Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday Reflection: I thank my God

An anniversary bouquet
from the grandkids

Today's reflection is brought to you by
Philippians 1: 3-5.

This past week, my amazing and wonderful parents celebrated 60 years of marriage. My sisters found a statistic saying that only four percent of couples make it that far... and indeed, a few times during this past year, the idea of them reaching 60 years was a bit iffy due to health issues. 

But through determination and effort, they have rebuilt their stamina, and we just enjoyed a week's worth of little events to mark their marriage. They're a rare pair indeed -- best friends, great parents, solid business partners, and kind-hearted, generous and welcoming folks who have more children than just us three daughters.

Mom and Dad, this one's for you:

Whenever you come into my thoughts 
I give thanks to my Creator.

I always pray with a glad heart
when I send up prayers for you,
because from the first day [of my life]
we have walked side by side
in the telling of the good story.

I have no doubts
that the one who set your feet
on this good path
will keep walking it with you
until the day that Creator Sets Free
(Jesus) The Chosen One appears...

-- Philippians 1:3-6,
First Nations Version: 
An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament 
(Downer's Grove IL: InterVarsity Press 2021, ISBN 978-0-8308-1350-6).

May Creator continue to bless you,
Dad and Mom,
with good health, joy, peace, and togetherness.


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