Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A walk through the garden

Front yard garden this morning
This spring, my cabbage seed failed to sprout so I have none... and I had to replant my corn -- so it will be late. The strawberries fared poorly with the mulch I got from a friend (I suspect it was treated with something, but she wouldn't have known that). The heat withered most of the blossoms on our broad bean plants, but there are a still few precious beans coming for my favourite salad... 

As is usually the case come August, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed when I think about all the work I'll soon be doing to harvest, preserve and freeze veggies from our garden. I've put away plenty of berries already, but there's a lot more effort to come, and with the price of produce where it is, I'm grateful to have a garden, period! I'm also loving this season of just walking outside to bring in supper!

So here's a little video walk through our back yard for anyone who is interested (mostly me as I sometimes look back on how our garden has grown and changed over the years). If you happen to be in the neighbourhood and want to come for an in-person visit, you're welcome anytime! And I'd even be happy to make you a homegrown tomato sandwich!

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