Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Reflection: Goodwill and kindness

Today's reflection is brought to you by
Ephesians 4:31-32.

Let Creator pull the bitter roots from your heart, for they feed the rage and anger that takes you down a path of fighting, hurting and speaking evil of your fellow human beings. Instead, show goodwill and kindness to others, by releasing them from the things they have done wrong. For this is what the Great Spirit, through the Chosen One, has done for you.

First Nations Version: 
An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament 
(Downer's Grove IL: InterVarsity Press 2021, ISBN 978-0-8308-1350-6).

O Spirit,
some days I feel surrounded by hate.

Social media can be full of trolls.

The news media seems to love sensational stories.

Some talk radio loves to belittle,
berate and be miserable 
even to those trying to make the world
a better place.

Through Paul, 
writer to the community of Ephesus,
you remind us
to step away from those places
where it becomes too easy to let
empty angry talk
that harms
take us over.

Often the impulse is to give back
worse than we get,
but you invite us to let the anger go,
and respond kindly,
with words that bring forgiveness, 
strength and healing
to those who need it most.

You have marked us as your own.

Help us to remember
that we belong to you
and are your presence
by the goodness we can give
to a world 
that often seems addicted
to outrage.


**Today's reading is timely. This week I discovered that that there has been a group of Not-In-My-Back-Yard neighbours badmouthing a local supportive housing development online, and their comments are verging on hysteria. Fortunately, other neighbours have let the Spirit flow through them, responding kindly by pointing out the beauty, goodness and truth they have seen coming through positive happenings from/with folks living at that housing development. I am very grateful to good neighbours who are letting the Spirit of love shine through their firm but gentle responses that encourage understanding rather than judgment of those who are recently housed and improving their lives.

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