Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday Music Appreciation: Music for a rainy day

It's been very dry here of late, so when a storm blew in just after dark last night and the rain started, I stepped out onto our front step to just listen to the sound of it, to smell it, and ended up walking a few steps out from the overhang to turn my face to the sky in full appreciation. Welcome, rain!

Today is cool and overcast, and any number of rain songs have been playing in my head, but since I've already moodled about my favourite just last year, I decided to look for something different to leave here for you, dear readers.

I heard a piece of Beethoven's "Tempest" -- Sonata #17 Op. 31 No. 2, third movement -- during a Winspear showing of Beethoven Lives Upstairs some time ago, but this is the first time I've seen Valentina Lisitsa, the American pianist who plays it so beautifully below (though her body camera makes me a little seasick...) If you want to hear more, click here for the link to hear her play the full 26-minute piece. Enjoy!

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