Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday Reflection: Absolute trust

Today's reflection is brought to you by
Mark 6:8-9.

You told your followers
to take nothing for the journey.

A walking stick, 
a tunic,
a pair of sandals.

To trust that everything else
would be provided.

And here I am, 
my life encumbered
by so many things
I'd like to shed.

The simplicity
you taught
is in trusting
that there is always

magpie that I am,
I've collected more
and even spiritually
and it all 
weighs me down.

It sits in my mind
as distractions
to keep me from 

How wise you are,
to insist upon absolute trust
in the way things flow
through Creator's hands 
to those who need them.

Maybe it's time to pray
a daring prayer:

teach me that kind of trust.

Help me to let go
and to rest 
in your love



Moira said...

Amen Sister! So Very True!!! Thankfully Creator is our help and Strength ~ at ALL times and through ALL life's cicumstances! Teaching us to turn to, lean in and trust. Thank You Creator! 🙇

Can relate to being a magpie..
Thankfully, once again Creator Always redeems us by His Unending Love and Eternal Mercy!
Thank you Great Spirit! 🙇

Thank you Maria for your great moodlings! Always thought provoking and inspirational! Great videos, photos, prayers and reflections! ☺

Maria K. said...

Thank you, Moira! When the Spirit moves, she moves! (Remember Jesus B.C.?)