Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday reflection: Thorns

Today's reflection is brought to you by 
2 Corinthians 12:7-10.

Creator of all things,
don't you think thorns a terrible mistake?

After all, 
they can't enhance the beauty of roses
in any meaningful way.

Holes in my flesh aren't helpful
when I'm presenting beauty to people I love.

And thorns in my life, 
like Paul writes about to the Corinthians?

I could definitely do without them.

Or could I?

My struggles,
and failings
sometimes keep me awake at night,
and often make me feel foolish
and less than worthy
of your love.

But I guess that's the point (ha)
of those thorns.

Even if there were no thorns,
you find ways
to remind humanity
over and over
that you love us --
by the vast and beautiful world
you have given to us,
the true and good people
in our lives,
and the love 
with which you surround us.

Nothing I do
(or consistently fail to do, 
or mess up, 
or catastrophize)
can keep you from loving me.

My thorns are part of the package
that you have created.

And just like you gave roses thorns
not to beautify them further,
but to protect them 
from hungry mouths that would devour them,
you give me my thorns --
those things
that I fail to do, 
or consistently mess up, 
or catastrophize --
so that my ego doesn't devour me.

As much as my thorns,
and calamities
are a pain in the
I often
learn from them
and learn to rely on you
because of them.

Keep me open to learning
even when 
those thorns are particularly

Only you are the strength
in my weakness.


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