Friday, July 5, 2024

The return of the gardener/moodler

Hello, friends,

My summer break from Simple Moodlings is over, and I'm back again with a little garden video. I post these as much for myself as for you because I like to look back sometimes at previous years' garden reports, to remember how I've done things in the past, or what worked and what didn't. 

Cornelia Scarecrow is definitely working already this garden season, with a half dozen juvenile magpies and several baby crows around, waiting for her to look the other way (she doesn't). After I made this video, I realized that she needed a slight repair after standing out in the rain on Tuesday night, so she's in fine shape once again. It's just that the young magpies don't seem to be afraid of anything, even when I come after them for snapping the tops off my snow pea plants. You should see what they do to my pansies! I've tried to explain to them that bugs and worms are a much better diet for them, but they just laugh at me, HAA, HAA.

A simple reminder for my readers -- if you want a friendly email whenever I moodle about something, it really is easy peasy -- just put your email into the subscribe box on the right, and you'll get an email from Mail Chimp asking you to click if you agree to receive Simple Moodlings. You can easily unsubscribe at the bottom of those emails, too. I have a few regular readers, mostly family and friends, and I appreciate being able to share with you all.

I'll post highlights from this year's June vacation and other odds and ends soon, I promise. In the meantime, here's what my garden looks like on July 5, 2024. 

Happy Summer!

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