Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday reflection: a conversation with the Trinity

A triple daffodil?
You Three,
what do you want from me?

help me to see.

Beloved child, 
you know that I am with you
in all that surrounds you.

Only open 
your eyes
and your heart.

Brother Jesus,
walk along with me.

Beloved friend,
I am with you always,
even to the end of the age.

Hold my hand.

Beautiful Spirit,
let me rest, 
and trust in you.

Beloved one,
set down your burdens
and let me lift your heart.

Know that, 
in doing so, 
you will 
bear my fruits...

all three, 
are here now.

Join the circle of our embrace.

What more do you need?

you three,
I need nothing but you.


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