Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Mother's Day Prayer

thank you
for the many gifts and blessings
you have given.

We praise you for the beauty 
of the universe,
and this planet
which holds us 
in existence,
and steadfastness
though sometimes we don't deserve it.

We praise you for the gift of love
that gave each of us a mother
who gave us life with your help.

We pray for all mothers
who have birthed your children,
especially those 
who are struggling in any way.

We pray for heartbroken mothers
who don't know where their children are.

We pray for heartbroken children
who don't know where their mothers are.

We pray for children 
estranged from their mothers
or whose mothers have died.

We pray for mothers 
estranged from their children,
or whose children have died.

We pray for mothers and children 
caught in dangerous places, 
that they may find refuge and peace.

We pray for new mothers
and great grandmothers 
and all mothers in between.

We pray for all those 
who have mothering hearts,
for all good women 
who mother 
those who need 
extra special care.

And we give thanks,
for your mothering heart,
who gives us mothers
who love us 
and are loved by us.


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