Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday Reflection: Starting from a place of belovedness

Today's reflection is brought to you by
Mark 12:29-31.

O Christ,
it's so simple.

All we need to do 
is to love you 
with all that we are
and to love each other
as we love ourselves.

Why do we 
make things so complicated?

Help us to know
our belovedness,
and to love
as you love.


* * * * * * *

One of the things that drives me a little crazy about the faith tradition I grew up with is its insistence on Original Sin. Yes, we are sinners, and yes, we need to frequently ask forgiveness of each other and of God, and yes, I love the sacrament of reconciliation, but it seems to me that if we were better at believing that we are beloved children of God, our deep sense of belovedness would make us into more loving, less sinful people to begin with. So, you might say that I have very little patience for all the sin and redemption language that comes through so loudly in so many Christian denominations, including my own.

My life experiences to this point make it impossible for me to believe that Jesus died for my sins. I think Jesus came to show me how to live with sin and failure by living his own life of goodness and love as the Way for me to follow. But his Way was a threat to the sin economy of the faith leaders of his day, not to mention their temple coffers, and his loving kindness made them look foolish, so they made sure he was crucified. Jesus wasn't about sin, he was about love.

I suspect that's part of the reason why I feel so at home at The Community of Emmanuel, where I spend most of my Sunday mornings with Inner City Pastoral Ministry. Sin language isn't helpful there, where people are already quite broken. It's like kicking us when we're already down. So the old prayer that you find in the rosary after the Glory be is the last thing I would pray there. You know, the one that goes, "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell..."

The Jesus I know would probably prefer to hear us pray with less emphasis on the negative aspects of sin, and more on the power of love:

Oh my Jesus,
my brother, my friend,
child of the Living God, 
as I am,
let your love shine through us
and help us to care for each other
and all your creation.

That's my prayer, and I'm sticking to it.


Unknown said...

Your prayer for this time of season is right on God about love of kinds of people we all have our own song to sing good or bad We are now in God country for another year blessing Deb nosiey one!

Maria K. said...

Thanks, Deb. Yes, if God isn't about love, we're all in trouble.