Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday Music Appreciation #37 : Big Boned Gal

I don't know what it is about this song, but it's been calling to me from my far past... probably because it mentions Southern Alberta (and I've spent a lot of time there of late -- more on that tomorrow) and because school has started again. The album this song comes from is intrinsically linked to when I was starting out as a teacher in rural Alberta and listened to it until I wore out my cassette. The voice of k.d. lang has caught my ear ever since, and her music fills my heart with a lot of plain old joy because she is unapologetically herself, always, and she's got pipes! 

She's also reuniting with her former band, the Reclines, for the Canadian Country Music Awards this week. I hope they all have a great time! In the meantime, enjoy this old tune on me!

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