Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday Reflection: Five loaves to twelve baskets

Today's reflection is brought to you by
Saskatoon berry-picking moon,
according to Indigenous (Blackfoot) wisdom
and there was an abundance this year!

John 6:13.

The disciples
(most of them)
are incredulous.

Feed all these people
with 5 loaves and 2 fish?

Are we really any different, 
though we know how the story ends?

We behave as if our Creator
has been stingy with creation.

We squirrel things away
for ourselves,
forgetting that none of it
really belongs to us.

But what if we all sat down 
and shared what you've given us

It might be hard to imagine, 
but imagine we must.

Bless us,
O Lord,
for these your gifts
which we have received
through your bounty
have been hoarded
even though
was trying to teach us
to let all your goodness
flow through our hands
so that no one is in need.

Bless us
with open eyes, 
and hearts,
that we may share
your good creation
as you intended us to.

Once we adopt your sense of abundance,
we'll have many more
than twelve baskets of left overs!

Help us to live out, 
put out and act from
a deeper belief
in your abundance for all.


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