Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Reflection: Calling on the Shepherd

Today's reflection is brought to you by
Mark 6:34.

When you stepped off the boat
and saw the great crowd,
you did not judge them.

You simply 
had compassion for them
because they were like sheep
without a shepherd...

Shepherd Christ,
you clearly understood
that we all have our moments
of feeling completely lost.

Shepherd Christ,
you were with us this morning
as we saved the life
of one who almost lost it
because of addiction.

Shepherd Christ,
we need your help and compassion
to infect all those 
who judge people with addictions,
who believe safe consumption sites are "drug dens,"
and who threaten to close them all.

Shepherd Christ,
we need our leaders 
to put their ideologies aside,
to visit and learn about safe consumption sites,
and to understand
that often the first step
toward safety and good health
comes through compassionate health workers
who offer drugs that decrease dependencies 
via safe consumption.

Shepherd Christ,
be with all first responders 
and street outreach professionals,
and give them the resources they need
to help those with addictions
find healing and hope.

Shepherd Christ,
make us like you --
toward all those who are
like sheep without a shepherd.

We are all lost
until you find us.

Help us
to let go of our assumptions
about what is best for others
and to meet all your people,
lost and found,
as your beloved children.

We call on your help, 
Shepherd Christ.


*** Naloxone kits are available FREE at Canadian drug stores/pharmacies. Anyone can save a life.

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