Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday Music Appreciation #49: Piano Concerto No. 2 in G minor by Camille Saint-Saëns

It's been a while since I've worked a shift at the Winspear, and I'm somewhat grateful for that fact because I've had my hands full learning the ropes for being associate pastor at Inner City Pastoral Ministry. I didn't pull any usher shifts for January, but February is definitely busier, and that's okay because I've been through all my other work responsibilities at least once and feel like I have my feet under me once again -- so that I'm able to give full attention to both roles when I'm in them.

On Friday night, for my first 2025 Winspear shift, Sara Davis Buechner was guest pianist for a one-hour "Piano and Prosecco" pairings concert ("Pairings" are designed to give a taste of symphonic music and a lovely beverage or treat to all who come to the concert hall, geared especially toward new, younger guests). So I had the pleasure of taking tickets at the door, and giving every attendee a second ticket for a beverage from the bar or a treat from the coffee and desserts kiosk. It's a lovely way for people who have never attended a symphony to try one on for size.

And Friday's concert was a treat in itself. The first half was Schubert's Symphony No. 6 in C Major, and the second half, Saint-Saëns' Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, played by the always amazing Sara Davis-Buechner. It's standing ovation material when she comes to play with the ESO every single time.

Saint-Saëns' symphony is an incredible piece of music, and I wish I could show you Sara's dramatic rendering of it. But in the video below, Ann Liu does a beautiful job, making me wish I'd stuck with my piano lessons all those years ago. It must be such a thrill to make music like this. See what you think!

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