So I offer, once again, a prayer for rain:

Simple Moodlings \'sim-pѳl 'mϋd-ѳl-ings\ n: 1. modest meanderings of the mind about living simply and with less ecological impact; 2. "long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling and puttering" (Brenda Ueland) of the written kind; 3. spiritual odds and ends inspired by life, scripture, and the thoughts of others
I loved your prayer, its simple and makes us responsible for our actions. I'm using it to pay for the fires in Australia, December 2019.
thanks for posting it.
I am following your lead. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks in agreement amen
we in south Texas need it to fill tanks and make grass for our cattle and small animals.
Need to plant grain and other seeds for grasses.
Hi I'm borrowing your prayer for Texas. It's wonderful.
I hope things have settled down for Texas in the last weeks... Blessings.
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