At the moment, the jury's still out as to which will come out on top. We can still remind our leaders that we all need clean air, fresh water and good soil to support the web of life on our planet. We can tell them that we ALL deserve a roof over our heads, clothes to keep us warm, food to sustain us, and community to support us. We can let them know that extravagance and greed are non-essentials, and encourage the positive works our politicians undertake. But if we're silent, they can't read our minds.
We ALL need to vote, engage, and join the discussion, for our sake and the sake of future generations. It's that simple.
P.S. Looking for more Simple Suggestions? Try here.
P.S. Looking for more Simple Suggestions? Try here.
Thanks for suggestion 91. I was delighted to read this one. In my country, we are mesmerised by the sight of young people and senior citizens risking life and limb for the opportunity to vote, while more than 50% of our electorate never goes to the polls. Thanks for the reminder. Every voice helps. Would that every young person had your daughter's passion for the democratic process.
My kiddo is able to vote this year, yay!
You're right... we take so many things for granted, and voting shouldn't be one of them.
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