Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Looking back through my moodlings, I'm realizing that there have been no Budgie Updates since my first moodling about Rocky, the bright blue budgie that joined our household last January. 

He's a character, our Rocky is. We had his wings clipped when we got him from Baker's Bird Shop, and it took a good ten months for his cut feathers to grow out, so he had to rely on us to carry him around the house for a long while.

Early on, we attached a perch to the outside of his cage, and discovered that he liked to sit on it near the front window, where he could yell at the wild birds outside. He usually just sat, but sometimes he'd get excited and try to fly, and we'd find him on the floor, or sitting on the dvd player cord near the floor by the TV. He'd go missing occasionally, and we learned to look for him either behind the stereo cabinet, or on the floor near the front door because, as his wing feathers grew out, he'd fly crooked and end up in those places somehow.

But now that his feathers are full he can go anywhere he likes, and Suzanna found a window mount perch where he loves to sit if we open his cage door. He roams fairly freely, and isn't really interested in conversation with us human beings, but he'll sit and call to the neighbourhood magpies or talk back to CKUA radio announcers all day long.

And... since Remi has joined our household, Rocky is very, very interested in the puppy, and, not surprisingly, the puppy in him! There's a blooming bromance about which we're not sure what to think! If the dog goes to sleep in his fenced off area in the kitchen, sometimes the bird does a flypast, looking for his friend. Other times it seems that Rocky flies around just to catch Remi's attention, teasing him a little if the dog follows him from one part of the room to another. Whenever we're playing fetch in the living room, the bird comes out and sits on the edge of the TV tray under his cage and watches the activity, burbling away in approval.

Remi's interest in Rocky so far has been mostly from a distance, but because he's grown a fair bit, he can now reach the edge of the TV tray where the bird cage sits. So far Rocky has been careful to stay out of the puppy's reach. I feel a bit anxious if they get too close to each other, but when we lock the bird in his cage, he's unhappy, and seeing his delight in the dog makes us hope that, somehow, he'll be smart enough that the two can co-exist peacefully.

Of course, we know that there's a danger to letting dog and budgie mix, the danger all toward Rocky, but so far, so good. Today, when I took the picture above, Rocky was happily lecturing Remi in Budgerigar, and Remi seemed to be listening carefully.

So, we hope for the best -- that Rocky remains vigilant, and Remi learns to control his chase and capture impulses, and we continue to have the two enjoying each other into the future. I guess we'll see.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Word of the Year for 2025

It's taken me long enough to write out this moodling, though I have been thinking about it for the past three weeks or so. Of course, I didn't even get myself a 2025 wall picture calendar until last week, and had to search in the back of the store because, well, there weren't many left, and most people get their calendars before a new year begins. So I guess what I'm saying is that it's taking me a while to settle into even the idea of 2025.

But in my reflections about what this year ahead means for me, I've come to the conclusion that my word for the year is Teamwork, simply because it feels like teamwork is the story of my life right now.

Somebody got a haircut last week!

Lee, Suzanna and I are the team training Remi-pup, working together with help from a course through the Edmonton Humane Society, to get him socialized and behaving himself. We all have to work together to be consistent in our methods, so that he knows what we expect of him in different situations. We really want him to be a joy to everyone he meets.

Being associate pastor for the Community of Emmanuel at Inner City Pastoral Ministry also requires a new kind of teamwork for me. Because I've been part of the community for almost five years, most of what I am and will be doing has come pretty naturally, but now that my role has been "formalized," more effort is required to communicate with my co-pastor and other folks simply because we have more shared responsibilities. 

As lunch coordinator for ICPM, my work was separate from daily operations and I was able to fill gaps around the edges for our two pastors most Sunday mornings, but now I'm in the thick of things (and loving it, for the most part!), tied down to music ministry or helping to lead the service. There are a few other weekly things, like Table Time for handing out donated supplies to the folks in Boyle/McCauley, Thursday Bible study, and a monthly Women's Group where I'm in charge of leading the ladies in spiritual discussions. What's great is that other good people are stepping forward to fill the gaps that Pastor Quinn and I can't cover. Our team is expanding with more wonderful volunteers joining in our teamwork!

I've also been thinking a lot about the teamwork in my marriage with Lee. He's been hugely helpful with so many things since he's semi-retired, especially family gatherings and other events that require a lot of effort on my part. The days of doing everything myself (and having a bit of a martyr complex because of it at times if I'm honest) seem to be in the past. Lee and I work really well together. We always have, but now that we're both getting older, maybe I'm just appreciating it more. I love him so much, and appreciate his care for me, especially when I'm too tired to do much but stare into space, which has been the case for much of the last three weeks as I settle into all the new things I'm learning and doing.

Fortunately, things are leveling out now, and there will be room for a few other teamwork possibilities that may or may not be landing on my plate. With the federal and municipal elections coming up this year, I expect there will be more to do to make the need for affordable housing an election issue through the Edmonton Coalition on Housing and Homelessness. And a team of "good neighbours" is forming around a new supportive housing building for homeless/low-income folks that will open in April in our neighbourhood. So teamwork opportunities are abounding in my life.

Teamwork is a pretty obvious choice for my word of the year. How about you? What is your word of the year?

Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Music Appreciation #47: Carrie Newcomer's Writing a Better Story

I've had a couple of very busy weeks, so it's no surprise that I haven't moodled here since January 6th. Stepping into the shoes of our retired associate pastor has felt a bit like being hit by a firehose because I had what felt like a pretty sedate life up until I started as associate pastor on January first. There's been a lot to get my head around, so I've had very little brain power to sit at my computer for any reason beyond dealing with details related to my new role. But things are settling down, today is my day off (I've decided every Monday will be), and I'm enjoying having time to moodle.

Today's music appreciation is a song by Quaker musician Carrie Newcomer. I keep running into her music because of the Morning Mindful Movement group that I dance with on Zoom every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday that I can. (If you're interested in dancing with us, the invitation remains open -- just send me a note and I'll send you a link). I've heard this particular tune a few times, and love the idea of it and the richness of her voice.

What's your new story line for 2025? Have a listen and enjoy your week...

(If this moodling has arrived in your inbox via email, here's the video link.)

Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday Music Appreciation #46: Bob Dylan's Blowin' in the Wind, sung by Jessica Raye and the Ramshackle Parade

Yesterday's service at the Community of Emmanuel was extraordinary. Though we celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany, we also gave a lot of love to our local wise man, recently retired Pastor Jim.

If you know Jim at all, you know that I'm not using the wise man title lightly. Jim's wisdom runs deep, whether he's standing up for the marginalized, demanding housing for all, seeing the everyday saints around him, or paying attention to the extraordinary hidden under what appears to be ordinary, as Pastor Quinn pointed out in his sermon.

Besides being a wonderful human being, Jim is a fan of Bob Dylan, and we had some beautiful moments when the entire community sang Blowin' in the Wind in honour of Jim. It's a song I've loved from the first time I heard it at a family sing song, and I found this lovely version by these Canadian artists, Jessica Raye and the Ramshackle Parade. They are a parade I'd happily join... and I will definitely check out their other music too.

Click here if you receive this moodling by email to access the song. Otherwise, enjoy below!