
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The return of Simple Moodlings

I am not a techie in any sense of the word. That I keep these moodlings at all is a tribute to the fact that it's really not that hard to set up a blog. It's maintenance that seems to be the real trick.

So when a few readers told me that my moodlings had disappeared from their inboxes, I was flummoxed (anyone can subscribe to receive Simple Moodlings via email on the side bar on the right side of the homepage). Prior to that, I had received notice that the Blogger interface was being updated in July (which meant a lot of relearning on my part about how to write and configure a blog post) but I wasn't sure why email subscribers were affected. And when I sat down to try to figure it out, no adjustments I could make seemed to fix the problem, and Blogger didn't respond to my queries.

So apparently the last email moodling to reach my readers was on June 14th. And after several frustrating sessions of trying to find a fix, I decided to give up until after garden season. Which means that if you are a subscriber, Simple Moodlings hasn't appeared in your inbox all summer and fall, until now.

At last, harvest is in and we've had our first snow. So this morning I sat down, determined to figure out how to fix my first world problem with this blog. And after all sorts of searching, fiddling, and checking out the advice of different online experts, the problem turned out to be simple: ?max-results=3 and a missing feedburner url (how did it go missing? I'll never know.) Those things probably don't sound like anything important, but I guess they're essential for email subscribers.

I'm quite pleased with myself for figuring it out, though I'm still not sure everything is going to work. So if you have been a faithful reader in the past, if you could be so kind as to drop me a quick note to let me know you received Simple Moodlings via email, I'd appreciate it. Even just an email with YES in the subject line would be helpful. I can be reached at mjbpkrus And if you want to check out the last 4 months of moodlings, just click here and scroll down.

If you didn't miss Simple Moodlings in your inbox and want to unsubscribe, you'll find a link for that at the bottom of your email, I hope!

With the change in the weather, I'm looking forward to indulging in a bit of creativity with this little love letter to the world. But for now, I think I'll go deal with some zucchinis!

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