
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

June garden report in July

Unruly rhubarb
I intended to post this 6 minute garden tour on June 30th, but ended up doing all sorts of other outdoor things instead of sitting at my computer... for the last several days, even in the rain. This time of year, housework, cooking, and computer anything are the last of my priorities when there's so much to do in the garden -- and so much life outside! Plus I have some catching up to do now that the air boot from my broken foot is standing alone in the corner of my room! Moving gently...

Things have really grown since a month ago, when I was showing my readers raised bed boxes that had just been planted. Now you can tell what's what. The corn seems to be growing about an inch a day, and the squash, beans and many other things aren't far behind. If you're in the neighbourhood and feel like wandering through a garden, I'm happy to give tours, though next month there'll actually be veggies to eat as we go. For now, just a few Saskatoon berries, strawberries and raspberries... yum!

Oh, and anyone want some rhubarb?

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