
Sunday, January 22, 2023

A Sunday song to speak to us all

Somewhere in the past week, I heard someone say something to the effect that Jesus called fishermen to follow him because he needed a getaway vehicle now and then, you know, to have a break from all that healing and teaching and arguing with scribes and pharisees. 

But today, Quinn, our fearless leader at Inner City Pastoral Ministry, talked about the calling of those fishermen being parallel to God's loving call to each one of us, and Quinn played the song Out of Hiding by Steffany Gretzinger and Amanda Cook.

Through this song, God says to each of us, "I'll be your lighthouse when you're lost at sea. I will illuminate everything..." and a lot of other beautiful messages. 

I love to hear new God songs like this one. And I really love it when they touch our downtown people. I saw a few of them wiping away the tears when they thought no one was watching, and that only added to the moisture in my own eyes. 

We are all so deeply loved. Isn't that something?

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