
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sunday Reflection: Praying for the common good

Today's reflection is brought to you by
Romans 8:28-30.

We are reminded today
that all things work together
for the good
of those who love you,
O Creator of all that is.

You know us.

You created us
so that we
might grow into your likeness.

You call us
to be your goodness and justice
on our troubled planet,
but there are so many
who ignore your call.

We pray
that your dream for creation
becomes the dream
for ALL who walk your earth.

Help us to encourage goodness
wherever we find it
and to pray for those
who are misguided,
that we may ALL be your justice and goodness
and come to your glory
in your good time.

O Creator,
and change the hearts
of those who lack awareness
of your desire for your world,
who put profit
above people,
above the goodness of all that you have given to us.

Inspire them
and us
to work for the common good of all that is.


* * * * * * *

In the week ahead, I'd like to invite you to pray with me for the conversion of the President of the United States and other world leaders like him. I have been heartbroken over the attacks on peaceful demonstrators south of the border... and the mistreatment of the underprivileged all over the world. This is not what God wants!

Every day, this Taize chant finds its way into my consciousness somehow, its English translation being a call to "You who love us, source of life." One of the descant verses in particular returns to me, over and over, a simple prayer of Brother Roger, the founder of the community: 

Taking everything upon yourself
you open a way for us
toward faith,
toward trust in you,
who want neither suffering
nor human distress.

Please pray along with me, and have a good week.

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