
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Cold Hands, Warm Hearts

It's really cold out this morning, and I'm thinking about the homeless people in Edmonton. How are they managing to find warmth today?

In my comfortable existence, I know that I need to do something to help those who don't have a comfortable existence. So the Ecumenical Prayer group that I organize once a month gives most of its free-will offerings to Hope Mission, an ecumenical and "not-for-profit social care agency founded in 1929" here in Edmonton. It offers meals and shelter to those who have nowhere else to turn.

Our Ecumenical Prayer group has definite ties to the Taizé community in France whose brothers live with and serve the poor in communities around the world. In keeping with their charism, we do what we can to support the ecumenical efforts of Hope Mission.

And as part of our support, we've started Team Taizé to walk in Hope Mission's Cold Hands Warm Hearts Fundraiser, which takes place this year on Leap Day, February 29th. It's a 2- or 5-km walk-a-thon to raise funds for the vital work that Hope Mission does, supporting its programs that offer food, shelter, warming vans, addictions counseling, and other supports to those who are living on the streets of Edmonton.

I've had a lot of really enjoyable experiences being part of different fundraising teams, so I'm inviting you to join Team Taizé, and come walk with us to support the homeless members of our human family here in Edmonton. Click here to join our team or make a donation. And even if you don't want to do either of those things, just come and walk with us, in solidarity with the homeless of our city. Our walking together will raise awareness, and hopefully, help a few more people to get out of the cold.

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