
Monday, June 10, 2019

Taking a break

Did I mention that our youngest, Jay, is moving to a new apartment any minute?

And that our eldest, Christina, is getting married at the end of June?

Plus, one of my sisters is having a big birthday; we're taking a dear friend on a tour of the Banff-Jasper Parkway and hosting her farewell party before she leaves the country; there's another wedding the following weekend; we'll be helping Lee's brother pack up for a move to Vancouver Island the day after that; and I still have tomato plants (in ever larger pots) that I should somehow get to my father-in-law in Lethbridge... plus the usual home upkeep, yard work, volunteering, baking, etc...

Needless to say, life will be extremely busy until the beginning of August at the latest, and then after that, it's produce season once again.

I could moodle here every day of the week because so much is going on when it comes to opportunities for simplicity, ideas about Laudato Si, garden beauty, and music. It's just there isn't enough time to get everything else done when I moodle.

So if you've stumbled across these moodlings and nothing seems to be happening, never fear... it's still an active blog, it's just that life is extraordinarily busy right now. I'll be back when you least expect it over the next month or two, and definitely by August. In the meantime, here's a picture of a new dahlia blooming in our back yard after tonight's downpour...

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