
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Goodbye, Summer

I'm sorry, but I think whoever organized our seasons made a few critical mistakes. For one thing, summer should be the four months from April 15th to August 15th so as to give us the longest days of the year to enjoy. It's not fair that summer only begins on the longest day, and that by the time it ends, our days are significantly shorter and darker. But I guess the folks who decided the calendar thought that measuring time by our astronomical equinoxes was more exact, even if summer's end isn't as bright as its beginning.

While out walking the dog last week, we ran into a neighbour who admitted to a bit of melancholy now that our evenings are cooler and darker. Last night I covered my tomatoes for the third time. Yes, there's definitely a melancholy that comes with the realization that we'll have to wait another year for fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, flowers and herbs, not to mention those warm summery evenings of walking in the light.

As I think about the summer that was, I realize that I never did get around to much moodling about it -- or showing vacation pictures. Now that the dew is heavy on the grass, nights are cool, and the shadows as long as though summer is about to end (which it does at 8:21 a.m. tomorrow), I'll say my farewells to a wonderful season by looking through my photos and sharing some highlights...

A family trip to Fort Edmonton on a warm June day...

Lee and friends having their own "Rock Parade"
(taking rocks from our yard to a neighbour's new rock garden)...

An early garden shot...

Being tourists in Edmonton... a visit to 
City Hall and the Federal Building near our Legislature...

Watching our kids perform (and get rained on)
at the Muttstock Festival...

The lovely Margaret Falls near Herald Provincial Park
on the Shushwap lakes in British Columbia...

Othello Train tunnels near Hope, BC with our cousin, Rebecca...

A Guldian Finch at the Bloedel Conservatory in Vancouver
with Lee's sister, Lynn, along for the walk...

A gorgeous ferry ride to Vancouver Island...

Enjoying the waves at French Beach...

The harbour of Victoria... and lunch in an Irish pub...

Playing frisbee around Goldstream Falls...

Fireworks and a moonlight walk at Butchart Gardens
(one of my favourite places!)...

Camping near Little Qualicum Falls...

The Canadian Sand Sculpture championships at Parksville, BC 
(this year's theme... Things with Wings)...

Our 25th Wedding Anniversary at Chemainus, BC. 
Lee struck this same pose on our honeymoon...

Ukulele songs at Paul Lake, BC...

My "Superheroes" on top of Whistler mountain
in Jasper National Park...

A picnic at Pyramid Lake...

Anniversary surprises when we got home...

A later garden shot...

Lee and his dad at the farm. 
They planted all the trees around the yard. 
How they've grown in 30+ years...


Buddha likes his cherries... and so do we!

Encountering many bison at Elk Island National Park
 with our Belgian friends, Xavier and Ilse...

A canoe trip for Suzanna's birthday...

That's more than enough pictures for one season. Time to get on with plum and zucchini loaves and my daily garden round... 

Farewell, Summer!

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