
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Here we go again

This morning, Shadow and I walked along the bike path near the river where the little aspens are leafing out, and the fragrance of those new leaves was heavenly! When we got back to the residential streets, there were lots of budding and blooming things to see, not least in our own yard. Here's what's already happening...

These ones (Canadian Liberators, I think?)
appeared last week, immediately after I watered the front yard
for an hour. We've had a bit of rain since, so they're holding up...

The anemones are just beginning to bloom...

I set the camera on the sidewalk to snap this one. 
I like the skewed perspective -- giant purple flowers
 in front of our house...

The white daffs always appear before the golden ones...

I love how lupin leaves hold dewdrops...

I love this time of year for its potential... things are growing again, and there are lots of growing things to observe, even in the cracks in the sidewalk. Why not take a stroll around your own neighbourhood and delight your senses? Fresh air and greenery do the soul good.

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