
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dad's marigolds

My father-in-law's yard, 5 hours south of here, is very simple. Stones, a large spruce tree of some sort, and marigolds. I've always loved the marigolds in particular, and last summer, I asked Dad for some seed. He had all kinds of it to share -- probably could have sent me home with a pound of it!

This spring, I decided that I wanted to try to plant my own annuals, so I started Dad's marigold seed, some cherry zinnias, and some coleus cuttings at the end of March. And I'm pleased with the results. The flowers are coming nicely, and I like the pink of the zinnias, the orangey-red of the marigolds, the deep burgundies of the coleus, combined with the white and blue trailing lobelias.

So this post is for Dad, so he can see what's going on. Dad, your marigolds have travelled a little way to brighten our day here. Thanks for sharing!

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