
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Trusting the Holy Spirit

My main work this week (and odd days before that) has been preparing for our Taizé Prayer in 2015, and in particular, for tonight’s prayer to kick off the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Done in little spurts, it never seems like much effort, but if I added up all the hours spent contacting churches to set dates, designing the schedule, and choosing and organizing music and readings for the prayers, it's probably more than I think. But that's quite alright -- I get so much more out of the prayer than I put in!

This January prayer has been a particularly challenging one, due to factors beyond my control, and a few less-than-wonderful decisions on my part. To make a long story short, our singing group is rather small this time because several musicians can't come, I chose a few too many new chants, and we'll likely have more new participants than usual because of an article published in yesterday's Edmonton Journal (don't get me wrong -- it's always exciting to have new people pray with us!) The thing about Taizé prayer is that it's the work of the Holy Spirit, and no matter how we human beings do things, the Spirit always makes it into something beautiful.

I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us for our prayer this evening at Providence Renewal Centre (3005 119 St) at 7 p.m. We'll be singing the chant below, but using these English words, mostly (though I love the original Portuguese in the video):

I will sing to the Lord my whole life long;
I will worship my God as long as I live.
For the Lord brings joy to his people.
For the Lord brings joy to his people.

Come, Holy Spirit,
bring us all to reconciliation
and unity.

Monday, January 19th
For the record, it was a beautiful prayer last night. The Holy Spirit definitely did her/his thing, praying through us. Thanks to all who joined us.

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