But it's not time for panic and paranoia, or mistrust. It's time for people to come together and to work to end the injustices that cause young men and women to want to become martyrs for organizations that promote violence against their brothers and sisters. It's time to work for the health of those suffering from addictions or mental illness. Now more than ever, it's not us and them, it's WE. We all need to pray and to work so that no one feels the need to take up arms for any reason, anywhere.
Here's my prayer, in case you feel like praying with me.
God of all people,
be our light.
Bless all those affected by violence,
and its resulting fear, uncertainty and sorrow.
Show us where our lifestyles create injustice,
where we are to blame,
and help us to change.
Transform the hearts
of those who,
in anger and hopelessness,
have come to believe
that violence is the only answer.
Bless those whose mental health
or lifestyle choices endanger them
and those around them,
and bring them the help they need.
Lead us all
to walk together
on the difficult path
to dialogue
justice, wholeness,
and peace.
Best prayer I've ever heard <3