
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Spring will come...

March's new proverb -- in like a polar bear, out like a ....???

Officially, Spring is less than three weeks away, but as nasty as winter has been these last few days (with windchills into the -50 C (-60 F) degrees across the Canadian prairies), it's pretty hard to believe that there's any such thing as Spring out there in the distance. So today I feel the need for a Spring fix -- and am recycling pictures from my neighbourhood and yard, along with a poem I wrote for my best friend's birthday a few years back. Think warm thoughts!

Spring will come
along daffodil paths,
tuck herself under tulip
and blossoming bough.
She will come
just as sure as leaf and bud
wait beneath the snow.
In dreams, we see her now.

Spring will roll
across leaf and lawn,
parading her petals
underfoot and overhead.
She will come
in pastels and shimmering whites,
and delicate hues
over everything spread.

Spring will wake
every seed and bulb;
stretch her limbs, and stand
in glory, in her power.
She will come!
Though winter hides her lushness for a time,
she’ll return
to keep primrose promises
at her self-appointed hour.

Spring is but a memory at the moment.
her creativity, the vaguest  dream.
When faced with the endless freeze of winter,
Spring remembrance is a trickle, not a stream.

But spring will stream
and gush and flourish!
She’ll show her colours
in proud display.
She will come!
But until she does
we revisit these memories
to keep winter blues away.

Spring will come!
And we will greet her with joy!
Spring WILL come!