
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Simplicity Study Circles -- rescheduled

We're being walloped by winter today. I'm glad this snowstorm arrived after last night's Simplify Christmas workshop at Strathcona County Public Library. I was afraid that people might stay home to watch the U.S. election results come in, but most of the participants who signed up came, and we had a good evening together. At the end, I did a little plug for the Simplicity Study Circles starting up at Newton Community League this month, not realizing that the schedule of evenings needed to be adjusted at Newton's end. After speaking with Sonia this morning, and fixing up the schedule, I decided I'd better repost it. So if you were thinking about coming, please note that the first session will be on November 27th, not the 13th as previously advertised. If you're able to join us, that would be great! Hopefully the weather will cooperate for that evening, too.

Do the stresses and excesses of life get you down?
Are you looking for ways to slow down and simplify?

Join us for Simplicity Study Circles!

Come and see what it’s all about!
First session “Exploring Simplicity” on
Tuesday, November 27th, 7-9 p.m.

Newton Community League Hall, 5520-121 Ave
 (10 sessions for $35, workbook included)

To register, email Maria (under profile on sidebar).

Topics include:

Simplicity and Personal Growth (Dec. 11th)
·        The Best Things in Life (Jan. 8th)
·        Simplicity: The First “R” (Jan. 22nd)
·        Simplicity and Diet (Feb. 12th )
·        Time Check-up: “Ideal Day” (Feb. 26th)
·        Simplicity and Community (Mar. 12th)
·        Money Check-up and Exploring Definitions of Enough (Mar. 26th)
·        De-junking Your Life (Apr. 9th)
·        De-junking Mind and Heart (Apr. 23rd)

Open to ALL City Community League Members

Facilitated by Maria, Master Composter/Recycler & Practitioner of Voluntary Simplicity,
& Sonia, Chairperson, Newton Community Revitalization Initiative (NCRI) & Voluntary Simplicity Advocate
See how wintry my garden looks today?! My daughter ended up walking a lot of the way to work downtown when her bus got stuck. These folks might have made it to work faster by walking too (and they'd have saved the planet hours of carbon emissions)! I spoke to a lady in that lineup, and she had been stuck on 98th Avenue for an hour already. It was ten a.m., and nothing was moving. A true snow day.

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