
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Simple Suggestion #141... Join a Simplicity Study Circle

PLEASE NOTE -- Activist Agenda may have incorrect dates. The correct ones are below.

Today I'm writing about one of my favourite hobbies, which is deeply connected to my philosophy of life. For the past few years, I've been facilitator for a number of Voluntary Simplicity Study Circles in Edmonton, and it's been a lot of fun. Basically, I've gathered anyone interested, and we've studied the crazy complexities of our consumption-oriented society, and come up with ways to live more satisfying, peaceful and sustainable lives. What's really great is that rather than feeling hopeless about the state of our planet, we are connecting with like minded-people who empower each other to walk more lightly on the earth so that future generations can enjoy its beauty and abundance.

Voluntary Simplicity is about less obsession with making a living and more leisure; less debt and more freedom; less pollution and noise leading to more harmony with nature; and less hurry, clutter, and stress coupled with a more mindful, self-reliant and appreciative approach to life. If you're in the Edmonton area, and if you're interested in sharing ideas about and strategies for living more simply and sustainably, please bring your community league membership and

Join us for Simplicity Study Circles!
Come and see what they’re all about!

First session “Exploring Simplicity” on
Tuesday, November 27th, 2012, 7-9 p.m.

Newton Community League Hall, 5520-121 Ave
 (10 sessions for $35, workbook included)

To register, email Maria (under profile on sidebar).

Topics include:

Simplicity and Personal Growth (Dec. 11th)
·        The Best Things in Life (Jan. 8th)
·        Simplicity: The First “R” (Jan. 22nd)
·        Simplicity and Diet (Feb. 12th )
·        Time Check-up: “Ideal Day” (Feb. 26th)
·        Simplicity and Community (Mar. 12th)
·        Money Check-up and Exploring Definitions of Enough (Mar. 26th)
·        De-junking Your Life (Apr. 9th)
·        De-junking Mind and Heart (Apr. 23rd)

Open to ALL City Community League Members

Facilitated by Maria, Master Composter/Recycler & Practitioner of Voluntary Simplicity,
& Sonia, Chairperson of Newton Community Revitalization Initiative & Voluntary Simplicity Advocate

If you're reading this blog from far away, you might have to do a little research to find your nearest Simplicity Study Circle, or start your own using resources from your public library. If you're really keen on this idea and keep running up against walls, send me an email, and I'll do what I can to help, because spreading the message of Voluntary Simplicity is my passion.

Even if you aren't the kind of person who wants to lead a circle, just reading through books about Simple Living is a great way to get ideas about how to live more simply and sustainably. Why not give it a try?

P.S. Looking for more Simple Suggestions? Try here.

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