
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Garden moodling

Today's moodling was all about... carrots.

About twenty lbs, chopped and blanched and in the freezer. Notice the Alexander Keith's premium white on the side. Made my blister feel better.

Our garden is one of our big efforts to live with less impact on the planet. Carrots, beans, beets, potatoes, etc. from the back yard are much tastier than the ones imported from the US and other places, and cost the environment much less in terms of soil degradation (we're organic growers) and greenhouse gases for production and transportation. Of course, Alexander Keith's brew had to travel across the continent to get to me, so back to Big Rock (a Calgary beer) if I want to live with less impact. Or maybe, no beer at all? I could have had a homegrown mint and lemon balm tea...

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